Sunday, 24 February 2019

Durnsford Rail Bridge – railings and close over-taking

Despite all policy advice and MCC’s vocal opposition, a year ago Merton Council installed railings
on the Durnsford Rail Bridge. The reason given has been that pedestrians feel at risk of cyclists mounting the pavement. MCC believe that the only reason a cyclist would have to mount the pavement is to avoid close overtaking and dangerous driving, which is unfortunately all too common on this Bridge.

Merton Council have asked for more evidence of cyclists’ experiences on this bridge, so we need your help! Please email your experiences to or post them to the LCC Stay Wider of the Rider website, where they’ll be visible to us, and also form part of the data LCC regularly send to the Metropolitan Police so they can use it to inform their decisions on where to conduct close pass operations. (Your name and personal details will never be shared.)