Saturday, 24 May 2014

Space for Cycling Big Ride Report

The Big Ride was an amazing ride. It is estimated that about 5,000 people turned out to ask our politicians for safer, better streets.

The weather was great and the atmosphere was terrific. The ride made a big difference to the local air quality as many of the central London's roads that are ordinarily chock-a-block with fume-spewing motor traffic were closed off for the Big Ride. The pedestrians were cheering us and waving at us, as the ride snaked its way down Park Lane, Pall Mall, Whitehall and on to the Embankment.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Wandle Trail - Weir Road Section Complete

The MCC are delighted that the Wandle Trail Weir Road section between Plough Lane and Earlsfeeld is now complete.

The MCC has worked with Sustrans on this project over the past year and are very happy with the result. The path is much wider and the surface much improved. Barriers have been removed which really helps too.

The "Bridge to nowhere" in Colliers Wood s currently being built and should be completed soon.

South Wimbledon Area - Road Entry Improvements

The London Borough of Merton are currently improving many of the streets around South Wimbledon by replacing the rusty swing barriers with polished steel bollards. This is much better from a visual and from a permeability perspective i.e. bicycles can easily ride through. What's more high quality granite, steel and paving materials have been used and the transition surfaces are flush, which makes a very big difference for bicycles or reduced mobility scooters. This is perfect. Overall we congratulate the London Borough of Merton for their efforts.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Merton "Quick" Improvements tour

Recently we toured the borough with the LBM Cycling officer to show all the parts of the borough that can be addressed relatively quickly but can make a big difference to boosting the level of cycling in our communities.

These include:

  • Stanley Road and Kings Rd: add a cycling contraflow. Currently people on bicycles are forced to do a large detour.
  • Add rail channels on the railway foot bridges.
  • Wimbledon Chase cycle path, improve the access from the side streets (e.g Chaseside Avenue).
  • Remove unnecessary barriers in wide passageways.
  • Drop kerbs wherever possible and necessary to ensure easy passage.

Many more improvements were suggested.

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Space for Cycling Big Ride - Please Join Us

Come and join the Merton Cycling Campaign for the LCC's Space for Cycling Big Ride in central London on 17th May.

Over 2250 local election candidates are supporting our Space for Cycling campaign, which is fantastic, but that means two-thirds still haven't given their backing.

That's why it's so important you come on Saturday's Space for Cycling Big Ride where thousands of us can send a powerful message to politicians - just before election day - that we want streets that are safe and inviting for everyone to cycle.

Our family-friendly event takes place on motor-traffic-free streets, supervised by expert marshals, and we're expecting an profusion of colour, smiles and fun as thousands of us process slowly through the city telling the world we want Space for Cycling in London's streets.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Space for Cycling 2014 Campaign

The Space for Cycling Campaign is now active. The Merton Cycling Campaign has been busy handing out leaflets, stickers, flags, putting up posters and raising awareness in Wimbledon and surrounding areas urging ordinary residents to take action.