Sunday, 1 February 2015

The Merton Cycling Campaign needs volunteers!

At the Merton Cycling Campaign, we are simply ordinary residents of Merton who are passionate to see cycling become a safe and accessible of transport for everyone in the borough.

We wish to see riding a bicycle become a fully normal way of travelling in the borough, as is the case in Denmark, Holland and Germany.

We are volunteers and have limited time and resources. We can always do with extra help!

We welcome all Merton residents who want better cycling facilities to help us out:
  • Helping us at events
  • Accompanying us at local rides
  • Leafleting
  • Sending us ideas on how to improve the cycling experience
  • Sending us write-ups of your experiences cycling in Merton
  • Web developing/editing skills
  • Cycle infrastructure design skillls and ideas (Photoshop, AutoCAD)
Would you be able to help us? Please come to our monthly meeting on the first Thursday of every month @ 8pm, All Saints Centre, All Saints Road, Wimbledon,SW19 1BX to find out more.