Saturday, 13 October 2018

2018 Annual Report and re-election of Committee Members

We held our annual meeting for MCC as part of our monthly meeting on Thursday 4th October. Borough Co-ordinator Kathryn provided the annual report on our achievements over the last year, which you can read below, or download here if you prefer a PDF. 

Kathryn, Hugh, David and Philip were returned to their positions of Co-ordinator, Engineering Matters, Treasurer and Secretary. However, Philip announced his intention to hang up his pen and pencil next year, so we will be on the hunt for a new Secretary!

We’re always keen to welcome cyclists of all frequencies, types and speeds to get involved so if you want to be part of making Merton a better borough for cycling and active transport, please get in touch or come along to one of our monthly meetings - you don't need to be a member of  LCC to join us.

Executive Summary 

Merton Cycling Campaign have had a busy year, welcoming new members and seeing some of our ‘newer’ initiatives beginning to turn into ‘what we do’. As a group I am grateful for and proud of the support that the whole membership has shown me in my co-ordinator role, stepping up to share responsibility for chairing meetings, respond to queries, represent the group in different forums, and promote activity on social media.  

A large part of the year has been dominated by the Local Authority elections in May, and our regular Borough Liaison Meetings have continued to hold Merton to account, whilst we’ve also began to explore other ways that we can push for improvements. In policy terms we have strong foundations on which to build.

At our January meeting this year we took stock of what we wanted to achieve in relation to our three objectives to: 
  • Raising awareness of cycling issues in the borough
  • Campaigning to improve conditions for cycling in the borough 
  • Providing a range of services for members
We’ve made good starts on all of these, but there is room to do more.