Sunday, 6 January 2019

MCC comments on Future Wimbledon Master Plan

Merton Borough Council have prepared the Future Wimbledon Masterplan to create a long-term vision for the future of development of Wimbledon town centre.

MCC believe that if the multi-modal reputation of Wimbledon is to be maintained it is necessary for the Masterplan to integrate cycling infrastructure effectively, including cycle hire provision and charging points for electric bicycles/mobility scooters within developments and on the streets. You can read our response to the Future Wimbledon Masterplan here, and our comments on the Transport section of the Draft Local Plan here.
Wimbledon Station is described in the Plan as the most multi-modal in the UK, and one of the modes included is ‘cycle connections’. But commenting on the Master Plan in relation to cycling, active transport and healthy streets has been hampered by the fact that the consultation draft of the Infrastructure Chapter (incorporating Transport policies) of the Merton 2020 Local Plan was not correctly published to the Merton website. Whilst the relevant section of the Chapter was shared with MCC on 4 January when this was drawn to the attention of Officers, this has left little time to review the two Policies side by side before the deadline of 6 January, and presumably other responses will have also been hampered by not having this policy available to them.