Monday, 27 July 2015

Prudential FreeCycle Feeder Ride, 1st August

Join a family-friendly ride along quiet roads to and from the RideLondon FreeCycle 2015, led by experienced ride leaders from London Cycling Campaign’s Merton Group.

  • Route: Wimbledon to Green Park (Constitution Hill)
  • Start point: Wimbledon Police Station, 15-23 Queens Road, Wimbledon SW19 8NN
  • End point: Green Park (Constitution Hill)
  • Start time: 09:00
  • Distance: 9 miles
  • Return ride start point: Green Park (Constitution Hill)
  • Return ride start time: 15:00

This ride is one of 31 led rides organised by LCC to the 2015 FreeCycle, aimed at giving less confident cyclists the opportunity to ride into the FreeCycle event on a pre-planned quiet route.

To see details of all 31 rides and register to join this ride, please see the Guided Rides Schedule on the FreeCycle website at:

The RideLondon FreeCycle offers the chance for all the family to enjoy a traffic-free route on closed roads through central London, passing some of the capital’s most iconic landmarks. Everyone is welcome, no matter what their age or ability. Cyclists may cycle at any pace and as many times round the route as they like, stopping along the way to enjoy a range of free bike-based entertainment and activities at Festival Zones.