Saturday, 7 March 2015

Wimbledon Town Centre Gyratory

TFL's relationship with Merton is described as a "partnership" by TFL's Commissioner Hendy. What might have been a Mini-Holland cycling partnership, is now a Local Implementation Plan (LIP) partnership to improve Wimbledon Town Centre. In 2015-2016 this means £200,000 towards improving cycling conditions in Wimbledon Town Centre, to include "identifying" how the gyratory can be madesafer and easier for cyclists and pedestrians.

  • Newham have £1m to remove Stratford gyratory.
  • Haringey have £1m for green spaces and 20mph zones.
  • Hammersmith & Fulham have £0.6m for cycling improvements and 20mph zones.
  • What will Merton make of their £0.2m?

The Mini Holland proposals for the Town Centre appear to have bitten the dust as the "partnership" seems intent on a gyratory, but with "safe" gyrations, and the funds are to include "identifying" how. Which sounds like another expensive report and little else…

BUT WAIT…Merton Voluntary Service to the rescue, they headlined this as
"Merton set to make cycling provision reality'

They proudly herald TfL's 2015-2016 allocation and state that: "the Council will look at the best ways to spend this funding to make cycling as safe and convenient for everyone, including children and families, as it is in the Netherlands". So that's alright.

Hugh Morgan